Charlie Company Photo Gallery of Old Vietnam Pictures and New Reunion Pictures
Welcome to the main page of our Photo Gallery. We have set it up with individual albums from each of our contributing members. Page through the different albums and select the one you wish to view by clicking on it. Right now, we are watching it grow as many of our members are in the process of scanning and sending in their photos. So you will want to check back ofen to see the latest photos posted. It is really cool to see photos of yourself, from 40 years ago, that you have never seen before.....So "Enjoy the ride"!
You can read the photo caption details and enlarge the view of any photo by clicking once on a photo. Use the "Back" button on your browser to return to the "album page view" from an expanded photo.
Link back to Charlie Company website
The navigation history line along the top of the page are actually links to return you to the current album page or to galley home page by clicking on the name. To return from the photo gallery to the Charlie Co. Website, use the "Link to return to Charlie Company Website" link provided.
Saving & Printing any of these photos. Any and all of these photos can be saved and printed upon your home printers. When viewing an expanded photo, put the cursor in the center of the photo and right-mouse the save as function. Give the "save as" file a name and location on your directory, be sure the file type is a "JPEG" and save it. Once saved, you can open in any photo viewer of your choice and print it out on your printer.
Date: 06/22/2009
Owner: Randy Parmley
Size: 35 items
(2291 items total)